A.P.E.R.O. Romanian Online Payments Association

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  4. Payment Services Directive


The Payment Services Directive is an EU directive, administered by the European Commission (Directorate General Internal Market), regulating payment services and the activity of payment service providers throughout the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). ). The purpose of the directive was to increase pan-European competition and the participation of non-banking entities in the payment industry and to provide a competitive and fair environment by harmonizing consumer protection regulations with those on the rights and obligations of payment providers and users .

On October 8, 2015, the European Parliament adopted the European Commission’s proposal to create a regulatory framework designed to make European payments safer and more innovative (PSD2). The new form of the Directive aims to better protect consumers when paying online, promote the development and use of innovative online and mobile payments and make European cross-border payment services more secure.


The National Authority for Consumer Protection functions as a specialized body of the central public administration, with legal personality, subordinate to the Government and coordinated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Tourism, it is fully financed from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Tourism.

The authority coordinates and implements the Government’s strategy and policy in the field of consumer protection, acts to prevent and combat practices that harm the life, health, security and economic interests of consumers. The authority streamlines the state’s activity in terms of direct and indirect consumer protection through market research, informing and educating consumers and strengthening decision-making capacity.

A.N.P.C website


The Payment Services Directive (PSD) was first adopted by the European Union (EU) in 2007. The directive provided a legal framework for payments made in Europe with the aim of increasing the speed, efficiency and ease of use of payment services. payment.

The revision of the PSD by the emergence of PSD2 was proposed as a way to respond to changes in the payments ecosystem, as well as to drive further improvements in the field of payment services in Europe. The review included a series of changes and improvements to the first version of the PSD, with the aim of providing legal clarity and fair competition conditions between traditional actors and those newly entering the ecosystem.

PSD2 is a directive driven by advances in data and technology, which aims to bring about increased competition, more innovation and transparency in the field of payments, while strengthening the security of Internet payments and account access.


In the context of the changes foreshadowed by the implementation of the 2nd Payment Services Directive (DSP2) in Romanian legislation, A.P.E.R.O., as the representative association for the electronic payments industry in Romania and the only entity that brings together all categories of players that populate the payment ecosystem , aims to coordinate the process of redistribution of roles and responsibilities between the present entities (ASPSP) and the future ones (PISP and AISP), entities that will coexist within the new ecosystem, and to oversee the creation of a fair competition framework between them.

In this endeavor A.P.E.R.O. will collaborate with partners from the public and private sphere.


  • Increase awareness and understanding among industry professionals of the purpose and objectives of DSP2


  • Aggregation of a common point of view of industry representatives regarding the implementation in local legislation of DSP2


  • Providing support to the authorities in the process of implementing the directive


  • Ensuring a climate of fair competition between all exponents of the electronic payments ecosystem


  • Coordonarea reprezentanților industriei în obținerea unei soluții standardizate pentru accesul la date



Alpha Bank
Romanian Bank

Transylvania Bank

CEC Bank
Credit Europe Bank

Garanti Bank
ING Bank

OTP Bank

Pago Pay
Patria Bank

Piraeus Bank
Printec Group

Provus Services
Raiffeisen Bank

Unicredit Bank